One of the many benefits of our program is our learning coaches. Each student is assigned a learning coach who offers academic support on an as-needed basis throughout the academic year. Parents have the opportunity to connect with our learning coaches as well. Following is advice for parents as to how to best utilize their interactions with their child’s learning coach.
● Prepare Questions. What are you most curious or concerned about? Login times? Overall grades? Overall quality of work submitted? Preparing your questions will help guide the conversation.
● Give Intel. Our learning coaches want to know how your child is doing at home. You are the eyes and ears of the learning coach. Sharing this information is helpful for individualizing and developing an academic plan for your child.
● Avoid Comparing. Each child is unique. If you are concerned about academic success, ask about grade level benchmarks rather than comparisons with other students.
● We All Need Support. Learning coaches offer suggestions, however, you may also ask about ways you can offer academic support at home. If you need support and guidance, ask for yourself as well. Our learning coaches are very skilled, experienced and they have a plethora of creative methods to enhance your homeschooling experience.
● You Aren’t A Bother. If you are left with additional questions or you think of another question, ask again. Our learning coaches do not want you nor your student left with uncertainty.
Parents and educators work together to facilitate academic success. The goal is to provide the most comprehensive and competitive online homeschool curriculum in the most supportive and nurturing homeschool environment so reach out....our learning coaches will be there.