Many children and adults often question the need for acquiring math skills. Math skills help us have better problem solving skills. Our ability to learn and think logically in any field or pursuit of life comes from mathematics. Math encourages analytical thinking. Math teaches logic and order. Following we will look at the math skills your child needs to know between 6 and 10 years of age.
AGE 6-7
Addition and subtraction facts up to 20
Addition and subtraction with borrowing
Skip counting
Telling time, identifying shapes and counting money
Beginning to understand fractions or parts of a whole
Your child is moving from counting on their fingers to using paper and pencil to solve problems
Applying math concepts to real life activities such as doubling a recipe *Practicing more than one way to solve a problem
Simple single digit multiplication and division
Using charts to organize information
Comparing fractions and decimals
Comparing numbers using symbols such as greater than, less than and equal to Multiplying with two and three digits
Long division with the understanding of remainders
Rounding numbers up and down and solving word problems by estimating
Calculating mass and volume
AGE 10
Beginning Algebra with one variable to solve for
Graphing ordered pairs of coordinates and locating points on a graph
Solving problems with proportions and percentages
Beginning understanding of Geometry to identify shapes and angles
Implementing formulas to solve problems involving concepts such as surface area
At Adirondack Learning Academy, we understand math concepts are built upon themselves. Our program ensures that students demonstrate mastery before they progress to the next concept. In addition, we offer a highly experienced tutor who will work with your child one on one should additional academic support be necessary. If you have a math problem, we have the solution!